Here in really cool physio blog I want to highlight the fact that theres' a lack of good physio blogs and there's no fun material for allied health professionals. Why is it all so serious?
i've read your blogs and you constantly claim to have a lot to say, but so far you have said nothing. I don't want another boring moaning blog either but if you don't acutally write something no-one will read your blog. oh and the reason that most physio blogs are boring, is becasue most physios are boring
Interesting comment, not sure you've read my main blog or you fall within my target audience.reallycoolphysio is not meant to carry much content or say anything.
BillyBobCartwright is a pseudonym .The views expressed are the author's own and not those of any organisation or institution. Material appearing on this blog is under copyright. This blog is intended for topical reflection, analysis and satirical writing and does not provide advice about specific healthcare problems which should be addressed to a suitably qualified health professional through direct consultation in person.
i've read your blogs and you constantly claim to have a lot to say, but so far you have said nothing. I don't want another boring moaning blog either but if you don't acutally write something no-one will read your blog.
oh and the reason that most physio blogs are boring, is becasue most physios are boring
Interesting comment, not sure you've read my main blog or you fall within my target audience.reallycoolphysio is not meant to carry much content or say anything.
thanks for providing this awesome blog it worked for me.
Physiotherapy Calgary
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