Wednesday, January 18, 2012


needed to get the show on the road again, needed to get the blog active

Thursday, October 15, 2009

new post

isn't it terrible that I've not added anything for over a year

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

reaaly cool physio

I've wanted to add to this physio blog on Goggle to avoid it being deleted. I have not forgotten about it, but I'm bored with the virtual world.

Friday, February 15, 2008

blogging answers

I've found that Yahoo Answers is an interesting site (sorry Google!) I regularly go to the health section and have put in a fair few responses under a pseudonym (it would really give the game away if I called myself BillyBobCartwright). I get amaized at a number of things. Question and answer sites seem to attract a fair few idiots who think that if they got on the internet they will always get good advice, when if you look at some of the advice it is really dangerous or unhelpful. Some situations sound medical emergencies and you would think anyone with one ounce of sense would go straight to their nearest ER. It is especially interesting looking at those questions about conditions with which physical therapists work as it gives a flavour of the common misconceptions about health. There are more question sites than Yahoo but theirs seems to have more interaction, but let's hope that Microsoft does not buy the company because that would mean a further extenion of the Gates monopoly. Some of the questions might be better put on a blog.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


can't get the hang of this Blogger

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

physiotherapy and physical therapy

Has the time come to change the term for physical therapy within the UK , Canada and Australia to physical therapy? In using the term physiotherapy does it not come with a heap of baggage and assunmptions which are no longer valid or are totally out of date? The term physiotherapy was adopted within the days of the British empire, and has many unspoken values and assumption associated with it. It would be interesting to find out what images the general public get when they hear the term "physiotherapy".

Friday, July 13, 2007

physiotherapy blogs

Here in really cool physio blog I want to highlight the fact that theres' a lack of good physio blogs and there's no fun material for allied health professionals. Why is it all so serious?